Sudan's ambassador to the US bravely faced the National Press Club the other day with the impossible mission of putting the best possible face on his country's ongoing refusal to allow United Nations or any other intervention to bring the Darfur tragedy to an end. I saw a snip of the event on S-SPAN and couldn't believe my ears. At least those present didn't even offer a spattering of applause when he finished, quietly standing and exiting, being careful not to roll their eyes in front of the cameras.
FP's Carolyn O'Hara noted the event.
In response to Bush's announcement yesterday of tough new economic sanctions against Sudan, the Sudanese ambassador to the United States rented a room at the National Press Club in Washington and threatened to retaliate. His weapon? My favorite carbonated beverage.
You Tube already has a couple of clips, one of which is here. Be sure to see the Washington Posts's video by Dana Milbank.
Footnote: I see that You Tube also has the full fifty-six minute video of the ambassador's speech in case anyone wants to sit through it. This is a notable public service since You Tube normally limits the length of its videos, I think, to about ten minutes...totally understandable since the service is provided at no charge and file storage must be a consideration.
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