Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Universal Health Care -- First Steps

No one can predict what will come out at the other end, but the components of a Congressional Sausage Grinder are being assembled.

Via Dr. John D. Halamka's blog here is how the planning committee will look: More details at the link. And check the comments.

The Committee shall be comprised of the following, including a Chair and Vice Chair, and represent a balance among various sectors of the health care system so that no single sector unduly influences the recommendations of the Committee. Committee members shall be appointed in the following manner:
3 members shall be appointed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1 of whom shall be appointed to represent the Department of Health and Human Services and 1 of whom shall be a public health official;
1 member shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate;
1 member shall be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate;
1 member shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
1 member shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives;
Such other members as shall be appointed by the President as representatives of other relevant Federal agencies;
13 members shall be appointed by the Comptroller General of the United States of whom-
3 members shall be advocates for patients or consumers;
2 members shall represent health care providers, one of which shall be a physician;
1 member shall be from a labor organization representing health care workers;
1 member shall have expertise in health information privacy and security;
1 member shall have expertise in improving the health of vulnerable populations;
1 member shall be from the research community;
1 member shall represent health plans or other third-party payers;
1 member shall represent information technology vendors;
1 member shall represent purchasers or employers; and
1 member shall have expertise in health care quality measurement and reporting.
Non-federal members of the Committee shall be Special Government
Employees, unless classified as representatives.

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