Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sabre-rattling with Iran, Part II

Talk of a US attack of Iran continues. Last week details were articulated and game plans discussed by otherwise rational people. Isn't that how it always happens? Smart people begin to buy into the notion of war and little by little the idea takes on a bandwagon effect. At the same time diplomatic alternatives are marginalized with every passing week.

Paleoconservative Bill Lind gives the idea a nod.

John Robb, respected expert on 4GW and terrorism with a newly-minted book, took note.

Younghusband at Coming Anarchy (I love that blog name) put it together.

He pointed to Dan, whose summary of possible outcomes makes for stimulating reading.

If you're looking for another military adventure, these readings will make your heart soar. All seem to be written with an undercurrent of testosterone-induced excitement, not too different from what is found at auto races, boxing matches, football games and cockfights. Cultural conservatism, indeed. It seems to me that paleoconservatism is retrograde neoconservatism with religious extremism and prophetic eschatology tossed in for good measure. These are the people who cause me to cling to the word "liberal" like a drowning man clutches a piece of driftwood.


Anonymous said...

I think you will find that both Lind and Robb think an attack on Iran would be a disaster but it is likely to happen.. Can't see how that makes them paleoconservatives.

Hoots said...

Sorry. I didn't make myself clear. Lind is specifically listed paleo in the Wikipedia article as well as the article on him. I didn't aim to cast that same net over everybody referenced. I put the post together in a hurry and when I wrote "these people" I was speaking of the honor roll I saw in the Wiki article. (Maybe bloggers need editors after all.)

When I read discussions of potential military conflicts without qualifying editorial regrets, it sounds as though the writers are making the case for, not against, the scenario.

I prefer a vigorous search for non-military alternatives.