Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Robert Reich -- Why Republicans Won't Support the Stimulus

I already figured this out.

Republicans don't want their fingerprints on the stimulus bill or the next bank bailout because they plan to make the midterm election of 2010 a national referendum on Barack Obama's handling of the economy. They know that by then the economy will still appear sufficiently weak that they can dub the entire Obama effort a failure -- even if the economy would have been far worse without it, even if the economy is beginning to turn around. They'll say "he wanted more government spending, and we said no, but we didn't have the votes. Elect us and we'll turn the economy around by cutting taxes and getting government out of the private sector."

President Obama's kissy-face gestures aimed at bipartisan cooperation have a shelf life of about a year.
After that, it's time to resort to some old-fashioned Chicago-style politics.
I don't know what that means, but I bet Barack Obama does.
And he won't stop smiling to go there.

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