Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama cash for Hurricane Gustav damage

As the spotlight shines on Washington someone with the Obamachine (Barack, himself?) had a world-class idea: Now that the election is over, aim the money hose where it can do good, helping the Gulf Coast recover from yet another hurricane.

This under the MSM radar story from Thought Gadgets...

Damn. Barack Obama has the internet wired. Today he launched, a microsite with complete information on how the president-elect is managing the transition to the White House. The site includes crisp overviews of five major initiatives, such as how to end the war in Iraq, a directory of future cabinet members, and several calls for feedback -- as in please, Joe the Plumber, just tell us what you want.

And over at his main site, Obama flipped on a splash page today to request donations for victims of Hurricane Gustav -- which socked the Louisiana and Texas coast back on Aug. 25. Obama has created an online fund-raising engine that churned in millions of dollars and had to stop raising funds for himself on Nov. 4; rather than shut down the engine, he's simply redirected the horsepower.

Industry advocacy groups, such as the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, have even begun emulating Obama's online presence. Whatever your politics, Obama has shown the way to master internet marketing -- don't have a web site; instead, build an entire web presence.

Love that line. ...redirected the horsepower.

If this isn't taking politics to a new level I don't know what is.

H/T Your Right Hand Thief down in N'yorleans. I was reading about Bobby Jendal (BTW, this is one of the go-to blogs) and came across this snippet.

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