Drilling back into a referral I found that none of my Robert Fulghum links works any more.
That's disappointing because he is already elusive enough. His journal never had many hyperlinks so you have to hunt for something the hard way, like you do at your desk when something is there in your face but buried beneath a thousand other things also in your face. Serves me right, I guess, for misspelling his name with an "a" instead of a "u." (I knew another writer in my youth whose name was Richard Fulgham, so it gets me mixed up.)
Anyway, he has a new website with more organization. (Or it may be the old one that no longer works if I misspell his name. I dunno.) Gerard Vanderleun knows Fulghum professionally and has often linked to his stuff. It gives me some solace to see that his links don't work any better than mine. We are both stuck with whatever material we ripped off originally which is, sadly, just a few crumbs from the loaf to which we were pointing.
This creative genius has been lurking (lucratively, by the way) in Europe for several years, and has come back to North America lately. According to his bio he mainains two homes, one in Crete and another in Seattle. I have the sense that he is about to make another run at the US publishing scene, another one having left a bad taste in his mouth. I'm not gonna go back and clean up my old posts. This one will have to do.
Meantime, readers who like Robert Fulghum can read his journal and consider his nomination of Oprah for POTUS.
From Seattle, Washington Written at the beginning of August, 2006
Going about in the world wearing my writer’s goggles looking for ideas is like traveling with a camera and always looking for the next photograph. Not only do I miss some things, but the fields of my mind don’t lie fallow in preparation for the next season of planting. So I stepped aside from creative work and have been lazy for six weeks - floating without paddling. Meanwhile, the committee in the back room of my head has been quietly cutting kindling and stacking firewood for the next season. I’ve waited for their insistent knock: “Hello! Ready when you are.” And I’m ready.
Here’s my thinking, provoked by Newt Gingrich (remember him?) who made the prescient comment that the Democrats should run for office during these next two years under the banner of “HAD ENOUGH?” And if the answer is “YES!” then it’s time to get actively involved in the next round of elections already in process. And to get actively engaged in the election of the next president, a process that will crank up loud and strong immediately after the first Tuesday in November.
Sitting with friends this week out on the porch in the light of the full moon we set aside the anguished “Ain’t it awful” small talk about the events in the Middle East and England, and moved to speculation about candidates for president who could win. A clear consensus: the Republican Party would go with Senator McCain. He could win. And the Democratic Party?
Al Sharpton finally? Al Gore? What’s-his-name who was the VP candidate with Kerry? Kerry? Liberman? Richardson from New Mexico? Nancy Pelosi? And, of course, Hillary? Consensus: No. Not electable. None.
So who? And what are the qualifications of someone who is electable?
1. Already very well known and respected.
2. No heavy baggage in personal life, political position, or military record.
3. Successful in their life endeavors.
4. Independently wealthy.
5. Telegenic, media savvy, and comfortable in the public arena.
6. Proven managerial ability.
7. Credibility with women and minorities.
8. Well connected to power outside the beltway.
9. Intelligent and street-smart.
10. Cool under fire.
11. Cultured but not elitist.
12. Well known outside the United States - respected and trusted.
13. Attractive to the middle - not a polarizer.
14. Broad spectrum social values.
15. Middle aged.
16. Capable of rallying large-scale and broad support.
17. Has a base that crosses all religious and political lines and includes no extremist r radical identification.
18. Proven ability to delegate.
19. Tough and resilient and hard-working.
20. A “have” who is compassionate toward the “have-nots.”
Nobody, you say?
Oprah Winfrey I say.
Really? Yes. I’m quite serious.
Woman, minority, self-made billionaire, manager of a broad empire in television and publishing, and - according to many polls - the most respected public figure in America. And. She meets all 20 of our requirements.
“But I can’t stand her show,” comes the wailing complaint. Think beyond that. Think big. And stack her up against the likes of Ronald Reagan, Bush One, Bush Two, Nixon, Ford, or even Hoover. And Remember Harry Truman.
President Oprah Winfrey.
Think about it.
While you're at it, be sure to read his self interview to catch up.
And time permitting, go play in the archives. I peeked at February and saw this wonderful snip about "players" that I remember having read before...
Example: A garbage man with monster truck. Cold. Rain. As I pass by, he says, “You look prosperous.” “Thank you. I feel prosperous.” “You look like the kind of guy who might have some frequent-flyer miles.” “As a matter of fact, I do. Lots of them.” “Listen, I need enough to get me to Buenos Aires, one way.” “I’ve got enough. They’re yours. But what’s in it for me.?” “Here’s the keys to this garbage truck. Even trade.
Yes! I’ve long had an urge to drive one of those things. I’d like to dump a whole load of garbage on a certain person’s front porch. “It’s a deal.” “You got a license to drive a truck?” “Well, no.” “Deals off - I can’t be part of anything illegal, but no problem. Get a license. I’m here every Monday.
A player.
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