Monday, February 20, 2006


That would be a contraction of, uh, blog and jargon...

MSM...lede...lobster shift...Above the fold...The jump... sidebar...blogroll..."guys in pajamas"...byeline...screed...wingnuts...moonbats...blogosphere
Link love...blogophiles...linkylove...linkslut...simultaneous blogasm...., ...delicious bookmarks...deliciousing...blogerati...spamming...slashdotted...spam blogs, splogs and zombie search engines...comment spam."

Got that? It's all explained by William Safire in the Sunday Times (subscription is free).
And one of my favorites: fisking.

This brief survey — a labor of link love — was conducted by means of blogging. Thanks to the blogerati who shot my query around the Web asking for jargon, a solicitation that N'Gai Croal, technology editor at Newsweek, calls blegging. He also notes "Another good blog term is to fisk, from Robert Fisk, a U.K. journalist. That's when you take an article and reprint it on your blog adding your line-by-line critique. It comes from bloggers doing that to Fisk's work, and now you'll hear 'That was some fisking of Bush's State of the Union. "

Whatever happened to polemics?

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