"There are some who, uh, feel like that, you know, the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is: Bring 'em on. We got the force necessary to deal with the security situation. “ - George W. Bush, July 2, 2003.
They took him up on it. They're bringing 'em on...
Today in Iraq blog is keeping up.
Bring ‘em on: Two Iraqis shot dead on the southern outskirts of Baghdad after they acted suspiciously. Bodies of three civilians shot dead found in Latifiyah.
Bring ‘em on: Eight members of an elite Interior Ministry force known as the Wolf Brigade killed in ambush of their 20 vehicle convoy in downtown Beiji. Two US Apache helicopters responded and opened fire on targets near the ambush site. Seventeen people wounded in a gunfight between al-Sadr supporters and guards protecting a local provincial governor's office in Nasiriyah.
Bring ‘em on: One Iraqi civilian killed and another wounded in bombing near Oyoun, west of Kirkuk.
Bring ‘em on: Twelve Interior Ministry commandoes killed in a series of clashes in and around Samarra. Police station bombed in Tikrit. Six civilians injured in mortar attack in western Baghdad. One civilian killed in roadside bombing in Azab. Two policemen wounded by suicide car bomb in Tikrit.
Bring ‘em on: Director general of the Iraq Trade Ministry and his driver shot to death in western Baghdad.
Bring 'em on: Thousands of Shia protest against the American occupation in Najaf.
Bring 'em on: Al Sadr supporters clash with guards at the headquarters of Dhi Qar provincial governor in Nasiryah.
Bring 'em on: Seven killed in insugency attack on the home of Sunni politician in Mosul. In another press report of this incident: An Iraqi lawmaker said 10 of his private guards were killed here on Thursday during a 1-1/2 hour-long battle with insurgents and Apache helicopter-backed U.S. forces, who he accused of killing several of his aides.
Bring 'em on: Two US soldiers killed Thursday in gun attack on convoy in Baghdad.
Bring 'em on: One US soldier killed Friday while on "combat logistic patrol" in Taji.Bring 'em on: Senior Iraqi oil ministry official gunned down in Baghdad.
Bring 'em on: Iraqi university professor gunned down in Baghdad.Bring 'em on: Three Iraqi journalists executed last Sunday whilst travelling to Kerbala.
Bring 'em on: Iraqi police officer and his father shot dead in Samarra.Bring 'em on: US soldier killed by IED explosion whilst travelling on an escort mission in Mahmudiyah.
Bring 'em on: Two Iraqi soldiers killed and five injured in car bomb attack on a military convoy in Baghdad.
Bring 'em on: Civilian killed by roadside bomb in Latifya.
Bring 'em on: Two Iraqi policmen killed by roadside bomb in Baqubah.
Bring 'em on: US soldier killed in indirect fire attack in FOB Ramadi.
Bring ‘em on: Iraqi Interior Ministry Brig. Gen. shot to death and his wife and driver injured in Baghdad attack. Two Iraqis killed and eight wounded, including seven children, in mortar attacks in Mosul. Baquba car bombing aimed at a police convoy injured 14, including 12 police officers. Seven Iraqis injured in a Baghdad bombing aimed at an American convoy. Iraqi Transport Ministry driver shot dead in Sadr City.
Bring ‘em on: Iraqi intelligence official and his wife killed and their three children injured in an ambush south of Baghdad. Bodies of three Iraqi civilians believed to have been working as contractors for the US military found in Dujail. Footage released of the execution of two more Iraqi contractors kidnapped from Baghdad.
Bring ‘em on: Bodies of seven men, blindfolded and shot in the head, found in Amiriyah.
Bring ‘em on: Twenty people killed in clashes between militants and US forces backed by attack helicopters in a neighborhood in Mosul. Former Baath Party member and his three sons abducted and killed in Tunis, a village south of Baghdad.
Bring ‘em on: The bodies of at least 21 Iraqi males, blindfolded and with bound hands, have been found in Al-Sha’ab and Ur neighborhoods of Baghdad and in the town of Al-Mada’in. Two survivors were found and reported that they had been arrested and shot by men dressed in Iraqi army uniforms. (These bodies are in addition to the 34 reported in yesterday’s post.) Two Iraqi security contractors killed, two Iraqi and one American contractors wounded in eastern Baghdad roadside bombing. Five Iraqi soldiers killed, seven soldiers and three civilians wounded in bombing in Baquba. One Iraqi security guard killed and two female students wounded in mortar attack at Baghdad University School of Engineering. One Iraqi civilian killed and one wounded in drive-by shooting in Mosul. One of Ayatollah Sistani’s aides and the aide’s nephew killed in Baghdad drive-by shooting.
Bring ‘em on: Three clerics, two Shiite and one Sunni, assassinated in Baghdad in separate incidents. An engineer working for the Commission on Public Integrity, which probes corruption in Iraq, assassinated in Baghdad. Bodies of three Iraqi soldiers, one beheaded, found near Qaim. One US soldier killed, one wounded, in roadside bombing just south of Tikrit. Four Iraqi soldiers killed and three wounded in fighting outside a power plant in Mussayib.
Bring ‘em on: US troops, backed by attack helicopters, battled insurgents in Mosul. Heavy exchanges of gunfire were reported.
Bring 'em on: Thirty four bodies found in Baghdad, Ramadi and Latifya.
Bring 'em on: Two drivers taken hostage in Baghdad.
Bring 'em on: Two Iraqi journalists and their driver killed in ambush in Mahmudiya.
Bring 'em on: Two civilians killed in bomb attack on Iraqi convoy in Baghdad.
Bring 'em on: Four Iraqi troops killed by mortar attack in Khan Bani Saad.
Bring 'em on: Three civilians injured in mortar attack in Baqubah.
Bring 'em on: Iraqi policeman and his wife gunned down in Aalgaya.
Bring 'em on: Four gunmen killed in failed assassination attempt on Iraqi army general in Baghdad.
That's just this week.
The blog has lots more than stats and snips.
Only if you're interested.
1 comment:
Keep up the good work. It is critically important for voices of dissent to continue to speak out against the atrocities in Iraq.
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