I found this two years ago and was very impressed.
Now I can embed it, so I'm running it again. I don't know much about it other than what's obvious. Scares the fool out of me every time I see it.
Wikipedia article Parkour...
.Parkour is an activity that is very difficult to categorize. It is definitely not an extreme sport, but a discipline that resembles martial arts. However, most traceurs are content to simply put parkour in its own category: "Parkour is parkour".
.The most characteristic aspect of parkour is efficiency. The basic meaning of this is that a traceur must not merely move as fast as they can, but move in a way that is the least energy-consuming and simultaneously the most direct. In addition, since parkour's motto is être et durer (to be and to last), efficiency also involves avoiding injuries, short-term or long-term..According to founder David Belle, the spirit of parkour is guided in part by the notions of "escape" and "reach", that is, the idea of using physical agility and quick thinking to get out of difficult situations, and to be able to go anywhere that one desires.
More at the link.
Updated March 1, 2007
Google Video provides a fifty-minute documentary on parkour from the BBC.
According to this piece, the French traceurs present a gold standard, but the form is spreading...A Parkour documentary in which a group of traceurs travel around Britain to find the best spots. Traceurs including: Sebastien Foucan, and the UrbanFreeFlow team.
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