Thursday, March 22, 2007

Popular You Tube links from Hootsbuddy

My time is limited this morning, but just noticed something my little handful of readers might enjoy know about. Some thirty percent of hits are now looking for You Tube videos. The phenomenon is like a forest fire in the Internets. And that doesn't reflect all the private messages being exchanged that never make the big time.
Here in no particular order is a list of posts from Hootsbuddy's Place that have been hit by searches in just the last 24 hours or so...

Tow Chinese Boys Singing "My Way"
Nina Simone: For all We Know and Others
Ray Bethell flying kites...Unbelievable!
ABBA -- Dancing Queen
Fun Two, Guitar Whiz, with Pachelbel’s Canon (This one got ten hits. Kid may be going places...)
Russian Climbing Video -- Parkour (My personal favorite set of three videos...)
Chris Bliss, Fantastic Juggler Video
Edith Piaf Returns
Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting - 1997 (Yesterday. Profanity advisory. But his profanity is nothing compared to the profane war in Iraq.)
Yet another animal video from You Tube

There are a couple more, but I'm out of time. That list can keep you busy for the rest of the hour. Unless, of course, you stay out of YouTube which case you might get hooked for longer.

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