Saturday, July 16, 2005

Gerard Van der Leun on Prayer

At the present time, most of what we know about God comes from assumptions built on revelations, with a sheaf of incomplete, poorly translated notes from chance meetings for backup. The Dead Sea Scrolls demonstrate that, to date, our record keeping is spotty and our storage is usually poor. If you think that any future chance meetings or memos are going, in the long run, to be kept any better than the Dead Sea Scrolls, please tell me what's on that six-inch floppy disc at the bottom of the fourth box to the left on the third shelf from the top at the back of my garage.

Nope. The problem is not knowing the will and laws of God. From what we retain, they are pretty simple, straight forward, and seem, for the most part, to be embedded in the cerebral cortex. In addition, there are lots of memos in everylanguage and no shortage of interpreters -- AM/FM/SW; network and cable; 24/7/365, forever and ever, amen, can I get a witness? Even so there have to be thousands of memos that, although sent, we just didn't get. Indeed, even working with the memos that we did get, you'd have to admit that we are very poor at carrying out the policies they announce. It probably has to do with us not being finished just yet.

It would be presumptious of me to say anything about this essay other than Go read it. I think it's worth reading twice through, at least.

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