Saturday, August 13, 2005

Heads up! Everybody! PunditDrome is keeping track...

So you're a big time, top-tier, high-traffic blogger?
Wanna feel like one of the crowd?
Didn't think so.
Well, get over it. At PunditDrome you are just one of the crowd.
Makes me want to drop Bloglines. Why bother? In fact, it makes me wanna quit blogging altogether. Work your tail off getting to the top and what happens? Get tossed in a basket with all the other Christmas candy.

Oh, and while you're there, don't think that what you are looking at is all there is. Beneath the banner is Second Page Liberal Conservative Centrist & Libertarian CurrentsComputing Science Canada Malaysia Minnesota UK GLB&TArts & Society Lawyers Academics African-American Food Humor Markets & EconomicsMuslims Christians Jews.

1 comment:

Scott Ferguson said...

You, sir, are a world-class schmoozer. And you're now on the Second Page of PunditDrome. Tell all your buddies!