Sunday, September 04, 2005

NOLA -- Katrina Links

Welcome to the New Orleans LA post-Katrina Intel Dissemination Wiki!

Video Streams

WWL-TV Page stream ( (Pretty much the only live TV stream online)

The Interdictor


pictruandtru said...

Thanks for all you do! After years of not having time, I thought I didn't, I've become involved in the community government, school district, neighborhood community, its endless and so much gratification. Time is almost always more important than money. Although...

Hoots said...

And thank you for reading.
I just wrote a rather lengthy piece saying more and lost it thanks to a Blogger glitch. (Damn free technology! You sure get what you pay for!)(And I lost this morning's main post four times when it vanished into cyberspace "The Blog you were looking for cannot be found." Crap! It was the one on the dashboard! How does it not be found? But don't get me started...)
Anyway, thanks again.